

School Year 2023-2024


Attendance Law states, “Each minor from six to seventeen years of age in New York City is required to attend school on a full time basis.” In order for a scholar to be successful in learning, he/she must be at school and on time each day.

Scholar attendance is recorded on a daily basis. If a child is absent, parents/guardians are expected to submit a note or letter explaining their child’s absence from school. A note from a doctor or health-care professional should be provided in cases of extended or frequent absence due to illness. If scholars have been absent from school for reasons other than illness, documentation of the reason for the absence is to be presented to the school (e.g., doctor’s appointment, court order, etc.).*

Scholars who observe the religious holy days recognized by the New York State Commissioner of Education or other holy days not recognized on the calendar distributed annually may be excused based on a parent’s request in writing prior to the date of observance.* The scholar will be marked absent and the appropriate Reason Code will be entered into the ATS System.

As attendance is part of the promotional criteria for scholars and in order to ensure that each child is successful, the Chancellor has implemented Promotion Standards that state, “Scholars will maintain a standard of 90% attendance.” Excessive lateness/absence will be considered when making decisions about promotion, and children that fall below 90% attendance may be subject to promotion in doubt and Open 407 cases.

* Although a written note or letter explains the absence, it does not excuse the absence, nor does it expunge the absence.


Excessive absences cannot be tolerated. If a scholar is repeatedly absent with or without excuse it negatively impacts his/her learning. As a result, any child that is repeatedly absent without excuse will be 8 contacted and be offered intensive support from school personnel. This support may or may not include outside agencies.

Parents and guardians you are expected to call the school as early as possible but no later than 8:20 A.M. if your child will not be attending school for any reason. Earlier, written notification is both welcomed and appreciated. If you know in advance that your child will be absent you may notify the school as far in advance as possible. Messages may be left on the school’s main voice mail if necessary. If a scholar is not in his/her classroom at 8:20 am, and the school has not been notified that he or she will be absent, his or her parent or guardian will be called at home and/or work. In phone calls, voice mails, and notes, please leave or list your child’s name, your relationship to the child, and the reason for and date(s) of the child’s absence.

All questions regarding scholar attendance and attendance records should be directed to the school’s Pupil Personnel Secretary.

A scholar is considered absent with excuse when the scholar’s family has contacted the school regarding scholar illness, family emergency or religious observance. All other absences will be considered unexcused, including but not limited to, family vacation, participation at sports tournaments, attendance at entertainment events, or when the family has not contacted the school with a satisfactory reason.

Work can be provided in advance of excused absences. Any class work, homework, projects, quizzes, or exams – including midterms and finals – missed during those absences are to be made up when the scholar returns.

During in-school suspensions, children are expected to attend school. Completed homework will and schoolwork will receive credit.

If prior notification had not already been provided, upon the scholar’s return to school from an absence, whether it is the next day or on some day after, the scholar is required to bring a signed note from his or her parent or guardian explaining in detail the reason for the absence. If a scholar made a medical visit, a note from his or her doctor is required in lieu of the parent note.

Since repeated absences means missing class, and missing class affects academic achievement, excessive absences will result in lower class grades since part of a scholar’s grade is based on his or her performance in class. Therefore, it is imperative that scholars are at school, on time, every day.


Scholars are late at 8:21 AM period. No excuses, No exceptions




School Food


testing dates



Call 1-212-777-3380 = Dial A Teacher

Dial- A-Teacher is a great resource. They are open from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm for homework help. The phone calls are answered by actual Certified NYC teachers who will record your phone number and call YOU back! There is NO EXCUSE for not doing homework.


Scholars are late at 8:21 AM period. No excuses, No exceptions When your child is late, it poses a hardship on the teacher, the class and your child. Prepare your child(ren) for the rigors of college and career by being on time.